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ایران مدرس کتاب قانون ماشین حمل زباله

قانون ماشین حمل زباله

قانون ماشین حمل  زباله
مولف: پورعبائیان مترجم: پورعبائیان انتشارات: انتشارات آفرینش امید معرفی شده توسط: پورعباییان

In The Law of the Garbage Truck, David J. Pollay shows us that by refusing to let others dump their "garbage" (negativity, anger, resentment) on us and letting it "pass by" instead, we become happier and more successful, both personally and professionally. And when we stop dumping garbage on others, we improve our relationships, strengthen our businesses and bring our communities together. This remarkable book shows us how to use this Law and helps us to avoid getting dumped on by rude, thoughtless and angry people, stop reliving the negative and fearing the future and focus on what can be controlled, not the negative things that can't be. It will help increase productivity, respect and cooperation and allow readers to gain the courage to enjoy every day and make a difference. Includes two powerful, insightful quizzes designed to help determine how much garbage you are accepting and how much you are dumping

آمار بازدید: 155 بار
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